Who we are

Prohull Asia is a maritime consulting company that provides specialized services and technical advice in the fields of shipbuilding, ship-repair and non-destructive testing.
Incorporated in 2020 in Hong Kong, Prohull Asia entered into a long-term strategic alliance with Prohull Ltd, an established Greek maritime consultancy operating successfully in the field since 1996. This partnership allows the company to leverage a broad set of resources and achieve the critical mass needed for international success. Our ability to service both markets allows us to follow client needs better, respond to client requests and deliver superior value while building and maintaining long-term business relationships.
Prohull Asia consists of several highly skilled naval architects and marine engineers and offers its services internationally. Our teamwork is built on an efficient network of collaboration that focuses on transparency, accountability and effective client communication. Our system structure and the team’s skillset and expertise support our efforts to anticipate issues of concern, proactively identify them and resolve them in a timely manner before they escalate. This method can effectively increase project efficiency and provide our clients with an opportunity to closely monitor the overall progress of the project and gain valuable insights into the process.